VISAR's Advanced Medical Training - VISAR
By Nick Cunha
Oct 20, 2015

From October 2 – 11 several VISAR crew members underwent Advanced Medical training with Dave Watt of Rocky Mountain Adventure Medicine to make sure VISAR stays up to standard and abreast of the latest innovations in training. The group prepared and delivered some very good scenarios that challenged the other responders in thinking through problems as well as posing some very unique packaging problems. Dave Watt said crew members showed their enthusiasm through their attendance and hard work. The final day of training included scenarios VISAR crew responded to using VISAR’s Spirit boat and brought together the learning and the practical application in some fine, thought-provoking situations.

Dave Watt is a nationally recognized rescue specialist and registered paramedic. As an associate with the Wilderness Medical Society Dave remains current with technical, outdoor and medical advances that are reflected in Rocky Mountain Adventure Medicine’s training.

When reflecting on his training Dave said “VISAR crew take their professional services seriously and have once again demonstrated their dedication through an advanced and demanding program. Rocky Mountain Adventure Medicine very much enjoys and covets its relationship with VISAR.”

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